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Birth Control Implant Insertion and Removal (IUD) Clinic in Austell, GA

Birth Control Implant Insertion and Removal (IUD) Clinic in Austell, GA

Our clinic offers safe and professional birth control implant insertion and IUD removal services. With expert care, we ensure a comfortable and confidential experience. To get more information about birth control implant insertion and removal services, visit us at Cobb Women’s Health. Our board-certified gynecologists can help you decide the right birth control choice for you. Contact us for more information or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1810 Mulkey Road Suite 102 Austell, GA 30106.

Our clinic offers safe and professional birth control implant insertion and IUD removal services. With expert care, we ensure a comfortable and confidential experience. To get more information about birth control implant insertion and removal services, visit us at Cobb Women’s Health. Our board-certified gynecologists can help you decide the right birth control choice for you. Contact us for more information or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1810 Mulkey Road Suite 102 Austell, GA 30106.
Our clinic offers safe and professional birth control implant insertion and IUD removal services. With expert care, we ensure a comfortable and confidential experience. To get more information about birth control implant insertion and removal services, visit us at Cobb Women’s Health. Our board-certified gynecologists can help you decide the right birth control choice for you. Contact us for more information or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1810 Mulkey Road Suite 102 Austell, GA 30106.

Birth Control Implant Insertion and Removal Clinic Near Me in Austell, GA
Birth Control Implant Insertion and Removal Clinic Near Me in Austell, GA

Table of Contents:

What is the safest birth control?
How long after getting the implant is it effective?
What happens if you don’t get your implant removed?
What makes the birth control implant less effective?

With so many contraceptive methods available, each with its own set of pros and cons, it can be challenging to know which option is the best for you. At Cobb Women’s Health, we provide several different birth control options, including birth control implants, which are highly effective with minimal side effects. Birth control implants involve the insertion of a tiny, thin rod that is roughly the size of a matchstick. This implant releases hormones known as progestogens into the body to prevent pregnancy. Our board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists at Cobb Women’s Health can help you decide the right birth control choice for you. To give you a better idea about birth control implants, we have answered some common questions about this birth control method below.

What is the safest birth control?

While the safest method of birth control, in terms of minimal risk of side effects, is likely natural methods such are much riskier in terms of contraceptive success.

In terms of the most effective birth control method, implants and intrauterine devices (IUDs) are the most effective at preventing pregnancy, as they work 99 percent of the time. In comparison, birth control injections are 94 percent effective, while birth control pills are 91 percent effective. Natural methods, such as the withdrawal method, are approximately 70 to 80 percent effective.

Additionally, the potential side effects of birth control implants only occur in rare circumstances. The vast majority of individuals who choose this contraceptive method do not experience side effects and can become pregnant immediately after the implant is removed should they choose to do so. In the rare event that side effects do occur, the implant can be removed safely and easily.

With that being said, birth control implants do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs or STIs), as condoms are the only birth control method that does so.

How long after getting the implant is it effective?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a birth control implant can safely and effectively serve as a contraceptive method for three years after it is initially inserted. After those three years, the FDA recommends that it be removed or replaced. If the birth control implant is inserted within the first five days of your period, the implant should be immediately effective at protecting you from pregnancy. Otherwise, you should use another birth control method for one week after the birth control implant insertion.

What happens if you don’t get your implant removed?

While it should not pose a threat to your overall health to leave the implant in place past its prescribed expiry date, the implant will gradually become less and less effective at preventing you from getting pregnant.

What makes the birth control implant less effective?

Various drug interactions can make a birth control implant less effective at preventing pregnancy. In general, medications or herbal supplements that contain certain enzymes can decrease plasma concentrations in birth control implants, which reduces their effectiveness. Some of these medications and supplements include the following:

• Anticonvulsants, such as phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), felbamate, oxcarbazepine (Trileptal), topiramate (Topamax), and rufinamide
• Antifungal medications, such as griseofulvin (Grisovin)
• Aprepitant (Emend), which helps with nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy
• Barbiturates
• Certain antibiotics, such as rifampicin (Rifampin)
• Herbal supplements, such as St. John’s Wort
• HIV/AIDs medications, such as efavirenz (Sustiva)
• Medications for pulmonary artery hypertension, such as bosentan (Tracleer)

For more information about birth control implant insertion and removal services or an appointment with us at Cobb Women’s Health, we would love to hear from you! Contact us for more information or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 1810 Mulkey Road Suite 102 Austell, GA 30106. We serve patients from Austell GA, Lithia Springs GA, Mableton GA, Powder Springs GA, Fair Oaks GA, Hiram GA, Clarkdale GA, Smyrna GA, Marietta GA and surrounding areas.